
Neurolanguage Coaching Face to Face course in Sitges, Spain (delivered in English)


Transform from Teacher to Coach & Transform your results Language Teachers:  Do something amazing and transform your results. Enhance your teaching career or choose a new career path. Beat the shutdowns and work remotely. This course is accredited by the ICF (International Coach Federation) with 30 Continuing Coaching Education (CCE) hours, plus 6 hours of Resource Development. The course has a very well-balanced ratio of theory and practice with a high degree of active coaching, so you instantly come into practical coaching and “learning by doing”. We are also CPD Registered Providers in the UK. We introduce you to Coaching [...]

Neurolanguage Coaching Face to Face course in Sitges, Spain (delivered in English)2024-04-15T19:07:00+01:00

Neurolanguage Coaching Face to Face course in Reggio Emilia, Italy (delivered in Italian)


Diventa un Neurolanguage Coach® Trasforma il tuo insegnamento in Coaching & Trasforma i tuoi risultati Sei un insegnante di Lingue? In questo tempo di grandi cambiamenti PUOI trasformare lo stile del tuo lavoro e scegliere di essere parte del cambiamento. Puoi fare qualcosa di straordinario per te e per chi, con te, imparerà una lingua. Investi ora sul tuo futuro per sviluppare la tua carriera nell'insegnamento o per dare inizio a un nuovo percorso professionale. Siamo lieti di annunciare la certificazione ELC di Neurolanguage Coaching®. Il corso è accreditato da ICF (International Coach Federation) con 30 ore di formazione continua di [...]

Neurolanguage Coaching Face to Face course in Reggio Emilia, Italy (delivered in Italian)2024-04-15T19:08:05+01:00

Neurolanguage Coaching Face to Face course in Thessaloniki, Greece (delivered in Greek)


Transform from Teacher to Coach. Transform your results We are pleased to announce the ELC Neurolanguage Coaching® Certification in Thessaloniki. This course is accredited by the ICF (International Coach Federation) with 30 Continuing Coaching Education (CCE) hours, plus 6 hours of Resource Development. The course has a very well-balanced ratio of theory and practice with a high degree of active coaching, so you instantly come into practical coaching and “learning by doing”. We are also CPD Registered Providers in the UK. We introduce you to Coaching The first sessions focus on introducing participants to coaching in general and also to [...]

Neurolanguage Coaching Face to Face course in Thessaloniki, Greece (delivered in Greek)2024-04-15T18:52:38+01:00

Neurolanguage Coaching Online course for Language Teachers in Americas (delivered in Spanish)


ELC Neurolanguage Coaching® Programa de Certificación Conviértete en un Neurolanguage Coach acreditado por la International Coach Federation (con un total de 36 ICF horas acreditadas) Nos complace anunciar la certificación ELC Neurolanguage Coaching® . Este curso está acreditado por la ICF (International Coach Federation) con 30 horas de Educación Continua en Entrenamiento (CCE), más 6 horas de Desarrollo de Recursos. El curso tiene una relación muy bien equilibrada de teoría y práctica con un alto grado de entrenamiento activo, por lo que usted accederá inmediatamente a un entrenamiento práctico y “aprenderá haciendo”. Te intruducimos a la herramienta del Coaching Las primeras sesiones se centran en la introducción [...]

Neurolanguage Coaching Online course for Language Teachers in Americas (delivered in Spanish)2024-04-22T19:27:17+01:00

Neurolanguage Coaching Online course for Language Teachers Worldwide AFTERNOON (delivered in English)


Transform from Teacher to Coach & Transform your results Language Teachers:  Do something amazing and transform your results. Enhance your teaching career or choose a new career path. Beat the shutdowns and work remotely. This course is accredited by the ICF (International Coach Federation) with 30 Continuing Coaching Education (CCE) hours, plus 6 hours of Resource Development. The course has a very well-balanced ratio of theory and practice with a high degree of active coaching, so you instantly come into practical coaching and “learning by doing”. We are also CPD Registered Providers in the UK. We introduce you to Coaching [...]

Neurolanguage Coaching Online course for Language Teachers Worldwide AFTERNOON (delivered in English)2024-01-15T13:17:31+00:00
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