Online Neurolanguage Coaching® courses for Language Teachers
Face to Face Neurolanguage Coaching® courses for Language Teachers
Online NeuroHeart Education Coaching® courses for teachers of all disciplines
Face to Face NeuroHeart Education Coaching® courses for teachers of all disciplines
Courses for Qualified Neurolanguage Coaches
Introduction to Neurolanguage Coaching® E-Course
How does the brain learn? How does the brain react? How can we get the best from our learner? With all these years of experience and having trained over 1500 teachers worldwide to become Neurolanguage coaches, I’m delighted to share this experience with you so that you can also take this information and transform yourselves.
This course is divided into six parts.
The first part is really about this question of why make this transition from language teacher to Language Coach to Neurolanguage Coach.
The second part introduces a little bit about neuro-education and neuro-Educators. What does it mean to be a neuro-educator nowadays?
The third part brings you tips from coaching to really enhance the learning process. What you can do to change your style of conversation from coaching to make that change.
Part four introduces you into a little bit about the neuroscience and how the awareness starts with us. It starts with us understanding the brain. The more that we understand it the more that we can bring to the learner.
Part five explores the top 10 teacher habits, and this is interesting because it’s where all of you will have to ask yourselves – “am I guilty of this habit?”.
Part six is very much about introducing you to the Neurolanguage Community and introducing you to the next steps in the Neurolanguage Coaching journey.